Thunder Force Wiki

ZCS (ゼシーズ) is the first boss from Thunder Force II.


ZCS appears as a large flying ship with a red core. It mostly stays on the right corner of the screen, moving erratically up and down. It attacks by shooting double lasers, eventually stopping to fire a large sweeping laser. Once its guns are destroyed it will shoot destructible orbs and attempt to ram the player.



Thunder Force II
Characters Edra N. FernReid A. JupiterDiana Lynn
Ships Fire LEO-02 "Exceliza"
Stages Nebula SkyEnemy PortUnderground CityHighwayWastelandAbandoned PipeCaveBell CaveAncient RuinsRuins InsideSpace Dog
Bosses ZCSBig ElephantGaiya BeastCave Monster (X68K) • Humanoid HunterPlealos