Thunder Force Wiki

ORN Core (オーン・コア Ōn Koa?) is the final stage from Thunder Force III.


This level takes place deep within the ORN Base, where Khaos dwells. It is a very short stage, with only a quick midboss fight right before the final boss.

Thunder Force III / Thunder Force AC / Thunder Spirits
Characters Jean R. FernSherry M. Jupiter
Ships Fire LEO-03 "Styx"
Stages HydraGorgonSeirenHaidesEllisCerberusORN BaseORN Core (TFIII)

GraveyardRuins InsideOriginal BattleshipORN Core (TS)

Bosses GargoyleTwin VulcanKing FishG-LobsterMobile FortCerberusBase GuarderKhaos (TFIII)

Roll GunnerDefense SatelliteKhaos (TS)
